Sometimes, I wish I never did choose to be transferred here.. Seriously.. Although the people here are nice in general, there are some whom I will never, in my life, be able to work with them peacefully without arguments or disagreement. There are times, when I feel that I have to let them know that they do not rule the place, will be treated by others as showing that I'm still a kid, that I'm throwing my temper. I'm not. Yes, I'm pissed but I'm not showing my temper. P.S: If I were to throw temper, it's 100 times worse then raising my voice.

By not arguing with you, I'm telling you that you have my basic respect, not that you are good in your work or that you have alot of knowledge of the work but because you are older than me. But by acting like a kid, complaining to an adult everytime someone do something that is not to your benefit, will let you lose the basic and little respect that I have for you, in no time. And believe me when I say that once I lost my respect to you as an elder, don't expect me to be nice cos I wouldn't be.

I always believe that everyone in the world should be treated with respect and I deeply believed that respect has to be earn and not given naturally.

Couple of weeks ago,  someone ask, why is life so unfair. Couple of years ago, a close friend ask me that question too. My answer was that God is fair. Everyone will have something attractive and something not so attractive. And that if God takes something away from you and it costs you huge pain and all other feelings, he is doing it for your own good and he for sure, would be giving something / someone even better, and it's jus a matter of time.

These few weeks, I've alot of thoughts, regarding stuff at work, regarding life, regarding alot alot of stuff.. I jus hope that everything will carry on fine. =)

NITEZ people!

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